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Youth Panel 2024

RVM’s 3rd Annual Youth Panel will highlight Safety in Our Schools and Communities 

Thanks so much to everyone who attended on
April 20th, 2024
Check it out on YouTube here


Please, join us next Spring!

Youth Panel 2024 Flier

Meet our 2024 Panelists

Meet some of our 2024 Youth Panelists here! 

Jasmatae Whyte

YLAB Youth

Hi! I’m Jasmatae Whyte, and I’m a senior at South Medford High School. I love spending time with friends outdoors, and being as involved as I can with activities in my school and community! Next year, I’ll be studying to get my Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Sidra Price

YLAB Youth

Sidra Price is fourteen years old, and goes to Madrone Trail Public Charter School. She has been playing fiddle in her free time since she was eight years old. Sidra also loves reading, writing and being in nature.

Lake Brown

YLAB Youth

Hi, I’m Lake Brown. I’m eighteen, and I am a senior at North Medford High School. I play in the NMHS Band as a percussionist. Next year, I plan on going to University of Oregon to study Architecture, and currently, I’m doing an internship at an architecture firm to prepare.

Avery Allred

YLAB Youth

Hi, I’m Avery!! I am a senior at South Medford High School. Next year, I am off to college in Santa Barbara to study biology and Spanish. I hope to go to medical school, and work in ophthalmology after that. I love skiing and anything outdoors, and in the summer I work as a raft guide!!

Luke Bracero

YLAB Youth

I like this place, it's cool.

Juliana Scholom

YLAB Youth

Juliana M. Scholom is 14, and was born in the Rogue Valley. She is currently an 8th grader at Madrone Trail Charter School. She has enjoyed meeting new people through YLAB, and hearing their ideas about how to support other students in our area. Juliana has had a wide range of education experiences: from Kindergarten and 1st-grade at Talent Elementary School, to 2nd-4th and 7th grade at Siskiyou School. During Covid, she was a part of a small pod school after a failed attempt at online school. After that, she spent a year worldschooling. She visited Mexico, traveled all over Europe, and lived for a few months in the Dominican Republic where she attended a local school. In her free time, she loves reading, music, art, and (most of the time) school.

Satya Pinney

YLAB Youth

Hi, My name is Satya Pinney. I’m 14 years old, and I’ve been living in the Rogue Valley for most of my life. I love going on hikes and spending time with my family. I've been riding horses for the last 6 1/2 years. I’ve been camping my whole life, and I love it! I’ve been interested in traveling the world, and have plans to do it as soon as possible. I have wonderful friends who support me, and I am very grateful for them. I was introduced to YLAB through my brother, who used to be a facilitator for the Youth Leadership Advisory Board. I’ve been going to YLAB for the past three years. I spoke on the last Youth Panel and enjoyed it quite a bit, so I decided to do it again this year. I think YLAB is an important resource where many kids get to speak their minds, and I am very grateful for this opportunity to do the same.

Emilio McCutcheon

YLAB Lead / Lead Mentor

Asking questions and learning on the way is Emilio’s philosophy in life. While he is observant and curious, Emilio McCutcheon has a passion for human mental well-being; he aspires to be the shoulder for people to lean on during times of strife, and he is also open to talking about anything and everything. He is excited to be working with youth from many different backgrounds, and hopes to be a positive role model for them along the way.

Thank You to Everyone who Donated to our Raffle!

Our amazing Lead Mentor, Jimena Franco-Sanchez, donated beautiful hand-made goods she created, along with her mother and grandmother!

Figaro’s Pizza –
Phoenix & Gold Hill locations

Take advantage of this unique opportunity to hear the voices of our youth. This live panel presented directly by youth . Join us for this exciting conversation with the potential to revitalize intergenerational relationships.  Join community members from across the valley in hearing youth voices at this moving and inspirational event!

Program Director for Rogue Valley Mentoring, Kat DeCayette, had this to say, “The voices of our youth are the voices of our future. Let’s ensure that they’re heard”. This free event consists of a panel of youth, ages 12-22, sharing a window into their world, with refreshments, and engaging activities: it is guaranteed to inspire.

Brought to you by RVM’s
Youth Leadership Advisory Board

Through YLAB, youth are cultivating the ability to find their voices, strengthen their sense of identity, believe in their futures, and learn self-efficacy.

Come hear directly from Rogue Valley youth in YLAB about their experiences and perspectives, at our third-annual Youth Panel community event! 

Still curious about the event? 
Check out news coverage from
Youth Panels in 2022 and 2023!

Thank you to our Business Sponsors!

Rogue Credit Union – Silver Sponsor

If you would like to learn more about supporting this event with a tax-deductible sponsorship, please email RVM’s Operations Manager, [email protected]

Youth Panel 2022

Youth Panel 2023

Youth Panel 2023 Panelists